It's annoying, because the census doesn't have a single format that they use for all
historical data.
Particularly in the effectively arbitrary old age cuts. Why were they fine during the 80s, then slightly worse in the 90s, and then really bad in the 2000s? No clue, but that's the data I have from the census, so that's what I'm using. |
The gap is from the lack of data between 2010 when the previous decade estimates stop and 2014 when the future projections begin.
This is kind of interesting too. I initially started just plotting the population with age=0, with the intent to visualize generations. The baby boom is really obvious in the purple curve. I then added samples at different ages, lagged to use a consistent time base. This thought this would give a probe of immigration, but that doesn't seem to be the case, as there aren't any major gaps in the first three samples in the 1850-1900 range. I think the sag in the age=60 is just life expectancy issues. That's also clearly apparent in the beyond 2000 area as well. The projection yielding the 2014-2060 isn't predicting that to improve too much it seems. |
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